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Home Texas Winkler County Kermit Blue Mountain

Blue Mountain

  Texas Historical Markers
SH 302, East of Kermit, Kermit, TX, USA

Latitude & Longitude: 31° 53' 32.60209999992", -102° 51' 32.9976200016"
    Texas State
Historical Marker
     Winkler County's highest point (3500 Ft.), Blue Mountain has long served as a lookout and landmark on the west Texas plains. Here Indians found fuel, sheltering caves, and water. They left artifacts in the caves and pictographs on the cave walls that boasted their prowess as horse wranglers, hunters, and fishermen. A directional sign told of a water hole nine days by trail to the northeast. Pictographs also told the story of a fight between two lizards. The pass is called Avary Gap for John Avary, who first settled the area in 1880. (1964)

This page last updated: 7/15/2008

Blue Mountain Historical Marker Location Map, Kermit, Texas