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El Dorado County, California Points of Interest

Map of California State Historical Marker Locations in El Dorado

El Dorado County Historical Markers

El Dorado County Churches
Methodist Episcopal Church
Erected in 1851, this is the oldest church building in El Dorado County. Its original site was on the corner of Cedar Ravine and Main Street, Placervi... [click for more]

El Dorado County Historic Homes & Houses
El Dorado-Nevada House (Mud Springs), Overland Pony Express Route in California
Trading post, emigrant stop, and mining camp of the 1850s, this became one of the remount stations of the Central Overland Pony Express. On April 13, ... [click for more]

Pleasant Grove House, Overland Pony Express Route in California
This was the site of a popular road-house where the ponies of the Central Overland Pony Express were changed from July 1, 1860 to June 30, 1861. From ... [click for more]

Strawberry Valley House, Overland Pony Express Route in California
This popular resort and stopping place for stages and teams of the Comstock, established by Swift and Watson in 1856, became a remount station of the ... [click for more]

Webster’s (Sugar Loaf House), Overland Pony Express Route in California
This was the site of Webster's Sugar Loaf House, well-known stopping place during the Comstock rush. Beginning in April 1860, it was used as a remount... [click for more]

El Dorado County - General Interest
Coloma Road - Coloma
Here in the valley of the Cul-luh-mah Indians, James W. Marshall discovered gold on January 24, 1848, in the tailrace of Sutter's sawmill. The old Col... [click for more]

Coloma Road - Rescue
Past this point on the old Coloma Road, running between Sutter's Fort and his sawmill on the American river, James W. Marshall rode with the first gol... [click for more]

Condemned Bar
These historic mining towns, and other mining camps of the gold rush era now inundated by Folsom Lake, are commemorated by the nearby Mormon Island Me... [click for more]

Diamond Springs
This town, settled in 1848, derived its name from its crystal clear springs. Among the richest spots in this vicinity, its diggings produced a 25-poun... [click for more]

El Dorado (originally Mud Springs)
El Dorado, 'The Gilded One,' was first known as Mud Springs from the boggy quagmire the cattle and horses made of a nearby watering place. Originally ... [click for more]

Friday’s Station, Overland Pony Express Route in California
At this point the riders of the Central Overland Pony Express crossed the Nevada-California line. Three-quarters of a mile east of here, at Edgewood i... [click for more]

Founded August 7, 1849, by George Phipps and party, Georgetown was nicknamed Growlersburg because of the heavy nuggets that 'growled' in the miners' p... [click for more]

Gold Discovery Site
This monument marks the site of John A. Sutter's sawmill. In its tail-race, on January 24, 1848, James W. Marshall discovered gold and started great r... [click for more]

John Greenwood, a trapper and guide who came to California in 1844, established a trading post here in 1849. The gold rush town of Greenwood boasted a... [click for more]

Hangman’s Tree
In the days of 1849, when this city was called Hangtown, vigilantes executed many men for various crimes. This was the site of Hay Yard, on which stoo... [click for more]

Marshall Monument
In 1887 the State of California purchased the site for a monument to commemorate James Marshall, who in 1848 discovered gold near Coloma. Marshall's d... [click for more]

Marshall’s Blacksmith Shop
Marshall's blacksmith shop, located on the Gray Eagle Mine property, was built in 1872-73. Marshall not only was a smithy but also a qualified carpent... [click for more]

Moore’s (Riverton), Overland Pony Express Route in California
This was the site of a change station of the Pioneer Stage Company in the 1850s and 1860s. During 1860-1861, the Central Overland Pony Express maintai... [click for more]

Mormon Island
Early in March 1848, W. Sidney, S. Willis, and Wilford Hudson, members of the Mormon Battalion, set out from Sutter's Fort to hunt deer. Stopping on t... [click for more]

Mormon Tavern, Overland Pony Express Route in California
At this site on the old Clarksville-White Rock Emigrant Road was Mormon Tavern. Constructed in 1849, this popular stage stop was enlarged and operated... [click for more]

Negro Hill
These historic mining towns, and other mining camps of the gold rush era now inundated by Folsom Lake, are commemorated by the nearby Mormon Island Me... [click for more]

Old Dry Diggins-Old Hangtown-Placerville
This rich mining camp was established on the banks of Hangtown Creek in the spring of 1848. Millions in gold were taken from its ravines and hills, an... [click for more]

Placerville, Overland Pony Express Route in California
Gold rush town and western terminus of the Placerville-Carson Road to the Comstock, Placerville was a relay station of the Central Overland Pony Expre... [click for more]

Salmon Falls
These historic mining towns, and other mining camps of the gold rush era now inundated by Folsom Lake, are commemorated by the nearby Mormon Island Me... [click for more]

Shingle Springs
The Boston-Newton Joint Stock Association, which left Boston April 16 and arrived at Sutter's Fort September 27 after a remarkable journey across the ... [click for more]

Site Of California’s First Grange Hall
Pilot Hill Grange 1, with 29 charter members-Master, F. D. Brown - Secretary A. J. Bayley-was organized August 10, 1870. The Grange hall, dedicated at... [click for more]

Sportsman’s Hall, Overland Pony Express Route in California
This was the site of Sportsman's Hall, also known as Twelve-Mile House, the hotel operated in the latter 1850s and 1860s by John and James Blair. A st... [click for more]

Studebaker’s Shop site
This shop was built in the early 1850s. The front part housed a blacksmith shop operated by Ollis and Hinds, and John Mohler Studebaker rented a part ... [click for more]

Wakamatsu Tea and Silk Farm Colony
The agricultural settlement of pioneer Japanese immigrants who arrived at Gold Hill on June 8, 1869-the only tea and silk farm established in Californ... [click for more]

Yank’s Station, Overland Pony Express Route in California
This was the site of the most eastern remount station of the Central Overland Pony Express in California. Established as a trading post on the Placerv... [click for more]

This page last updated: 11/11/2009